Monday, February 7, 2011

Reflection on Wiki Experience

In week 14, our tutor assigned us to form in small groups of 5. We were assigned to work on the ethics and internet group work. Our topic was about "Missouri Teen's Suicide Being Cyber-Bullied" and my group was in charge of doing “What is Myspace?” We were given an article to read and I think the event that have happened is unfortunate. I worked with the group and posted the information on the Wiki.

The experience for me working as a group is in a team, work get done faster as everyone play their part in contributing in certain area. I also get the different point of views from the other members. As an individual contributor, I have learnt that teamwork skill is important when doing group work and the trust between each other in the group is important as well.

The most challenging experience I had is to get everyone in the group to do the work together and to get opinions from other groups so as to provide us with more information to consider before posting in the Wiki. I would advise the next batch that they need to work well with each other so as to contribute useful information in the Wiki. They also need to get the opinions from other groups first and they need to think through the opinions before working on their work.

I would not really use Wiki for my research because I preferred to use search engines like Google when doing my research as they provide me with more information. I will only use Wiki as references where I can refer to get the different views from others who have posted in there. To me, Wiki is a place where people collaborate to share their opinions.

I guess this will be my last post for EIR as it is going to end soon. I am glad that I have gained a lot of useful knowledge when taking up Effective Internet Research as my CDS.

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